Monday, May 17, 2010

Daily Bloggings 5/17/10


The Chicago Blackhawks are the fastest skating NHL hockey team I have ever seen. They will beat the Philadelphia Flyers in the Stanley Cup Finals to end their 50 year championship drought.

It's sad to watch the ads between Arlen Specter and Joe Sestak in the democratic primary for the US Senate. I live in a bordering state so I'm not involved, but I can't understand why anyone would support a lifetime Republican like Specter who held his finger in the air while testing the political winds and switched parties after so many years in what was clearly a move to save his job.

The Phillies may have the best lineup in the HISTORY of baseball.....yes, you heard me right.

Why is watching poker on tv so intoxicating? High Stakes, WSOP, Pokerstars, Poker After Dark, Heads Up....I watch it all. Now if i could only learn to fold the second best hand....


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