Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Rites of Passage

My niece Alisha getting married a couple of weeks ago....

Dropping my beloved daughter Alexandra off at college to start her adult life...

There is no denying change. It's inevitable.

But it can bring a tear to the eye of even the most hardened of men.

Best of luck ladies....and may God protect you on your journey.


  1. Thanks, Uncle Ken! So glad you and Aunt Terri were able to make it out for the wedding. We love you. :)

  2. Our first and strongest instinct as parents is to protect our children and to forever keep them under our protective wings. Feeling their little hands leave ours and watching them walk out of our reach is wrenching and can leave us feeling panicked. You are right, its is inevitable and a part of their growing up.
    You and I are in different stages of parenthood. Alex has started her adult life as an independent woman. She is on her own for the first time and has only just begun to realize who she is and the wonderful things she will accomplish in her amazing life. I, on the other hand, am embarking on the experience of watching Ethan get onto the school bus for the first time and go off to kindergarten. This doesn't begin to compare to leaving him at College but I still have to let go of his little hand, that has held on so tight, and watch those bus doors close and drive off with my baby. Life continues at full speed whether we are ready for it or not. But, whether age 5 or age 20, they will always need us and we will always have our hands there reaching out to them for whenever they want to hold on tight and feel the never ending comfort and protection that we as parents will always provide to our beloved children.

  3. Well said Heather. You should write a blog!
