Thursday, March 25, 2010


Due to publishing concerns.....A View From the Dimly Lit Spotlight will be making some changes.

Up until now, this blog has been comprised mostly of short, anecdotal stories surrounding famous and interesting people I've been fortunate enough to meet. These stories are now available in my book An Improbable Journey which is currently available for purchase at and will soon be available on my website

I have compiled enough stories for a second book which I am in the process of editing and will be available later this year.

Because of this, from now on my posts will be of a more current nature.....commenting on sports, politics, human interest stories, and topical events.

I am so grateful for the legion of followers that check this blog on a daily basis, and I promise to KEEP BLOGGING as long as you KEEP READING.

Finally, I will be doing some media events and book signings starting in April. Certainly I will make these known on the blog, and your support would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading....and believing! ~ Ken


  1. Congrats on all your great success bff. Can't wait for the upcoming media events, book signings and soon to be second book. I will be there with bells on! I believe and know in my heart that your books and movie will be extremely successful due to your unbelievable talent and never ending determination. Proud of you bff.....

  2. What a great friend you are! Thanks so much!!
